Could such a thing be possible? (Mainly directed towards Wendell)

After messing with the new Xbox one that is in Windows 10 (pictured above), I have came to a conclusion.

Xbox one games might be natively be playable on PCs running Windows 10. Microsoft has already confirmed that you will be able to stream games to your Windows 10 based PC, but I think they will take it further. Could Microsoft release a Xbox One PCI-E add in card for the ability to play Xbox games natively on your PC?

Microsoft is pushing OneCore extremely hard, and they are implementing all of the Xbox Live features this early into W10 for seemingly no reason. A PCI-E bus can handle any bandwidth that the unit would need to send to the PC, and all of the Xbox One's hardware can easily be packed into an add in card. The Xbox One's CPU, GPU, and hell even the memory could all be packed in that space and at a respectable price point. All of the rendering and operations would be powered by this unit. It would then be sent to the main PC and W10 would handle scaling the window (if not full screen) and other operations. Windows 10 would simply act as a wrapper.

Why would MS do this?

-Developers could continue to develop their games as usual

-10 Million more potential gamers could be purchasing Xbox One games -It makes sense with their OneCore philosophy

-MS could completely destroy the PS4 in terms of game sales

-It would sell W10 like hotcakes


This has happened before with the Diamond Edge 3d. It was a graphics card that included a Sega CD controller port and gave you the ability to play Sega CD games via any PC.


So could you see something like this happen? To me it seems completely possible on the technical side of things, with the exclusion of latency of course.

In theory yes, but besides Microsoft being on roll with the features of windows 10. we can't really ignore the "dumb shit" they've done. if they truly cared about that one platform thing like they said they do, they would need to kill the Xbox platform and focus on Windows 10 gaming, cause let's be honest the Xbox One IS it's own platform. but we all know they won't do that, cause Xbox One as a platform is putting extra money in their pocket, besides the PC Space. but the issue i personally believe Microsoft has hit a wall with is,

"If we theoretically killed the Xbox One platform in favor of a Windows 10 box of some sort, how do we make the same money we made selling consoles?" that's to say if they truly focused on a one Platform. cause if they gave people the option to customize their components in the Xbox, what's to stop someone from building a PC? that's one of the reasons why i believe they aren't focusing on Windows 10 as Primary platform and just giving people the option to stream to it instead.

Also they need to STAHP it, and give us the ability to control Windows 10 Using an Xbone Remote.

So basically you want an internal Xbone card? I'm pretty sure it's possible, I just don't quite see the point. I would not buy an additional component just to play the one or two exclusives that Xbox might have because the devs couldn't be arsed to make it run on the (better) hardware I already have.

I highly doubt it. After seeing the cooler on the Xbone, I expect it requires quite a complex cooling solution to fit to pci-e size. I also expect it to be too expansive since I heard the Xbone itself nearly sells for production costs and this should be compacter.

I could see this happen in several years when smaller die sizes causes power consumption to drop and prices have gone down. But if they did it then, the speed of desktop hardware would destroy it, so I don't see any future for such a card...

The Xbox One only uses 115w under full power.

And this allows for people such as myself, that want both an Xbox and a PC in a single package.


You also have to consider that making an Xbox is around $480 dollars (no kinect), and that have dropped to $350. So Microsoft is already losing money on each console. They push game sales.

It would also be much simplier for casuals to upgrade their old PC with a single module, rather than the CPU, Ram, GPU, mobo etc.



realistically i think the only function necessary by the card would be to verify he integrity of the game files. outside of that, its x86 processing which our CPUs already do and DirectX graphics work which our GPUs do. the one issue i do see us running into is games dont run at 1080P on xbone let alone anything higher

If they released an Xbox card it'd only be a matter of hours till someone pulled the firmware and figured out how to use it to run said games without the card if they had a fast enough comp, seeing as the Xbone is just an AMD APU system based around 8x Stars cores and a mobile 7000 series GPU anything needed to run the games is all locked up in the firmware since Microsoft almost certainly is still using the NT kernel and a stripped down Windows install on the Xbone.