"Could not connect to Steam network"

my Steam has been working fine until yesterday but I thought it was just because of an update but it happened today as well, when I start Steam I get this message

"Could not connect to Steam network. This could be due to a problem with your internet connection, or with the Steam network. Please visit www.steampowered.com for more info." my internet connection is fine all my other internet based programs work and i have no firewall for Steam, does anyone now what to do to fix or prevent this?



make sure you have the latest updated and this happens with steam once in a while you have to restart your computer and it generally works after that its because steam is getting overflown with users because left 4 dead

ok thanks i will try it after i restart, i will let you know if it works

it should work same thing happened to a lot of people when orange box came out

nope it hasnt worked, still get the same error

I just ried to load Steam again and a updating box came up but nothing happened for a while then came up with the log in screen could it be a problem with the updates?

delete clientregistry.blob

I deleted the file, then opened Steam it updated but then when I tried to log in the error came up again

re install?

if I reinstall would I lose my games?

wow strange umm when you restart your computer start steam log out of steam and log back in that should work if not then i think you should wait it off or reinstall

no you dont lose your games eveything is backed up for you when you log in just got to re download the games thats all

im trying to repair it with the installation file

if you reinstall you'll have to download your games all over again, i dont think you want to do that... but im not sure whats wrong. over the past week ive been having random problems with steam also, but at least i can get on. they need better customer support

Change your system clock by a second also... I don't unserstand how it works, but it did help me one time.

It looks like im gonna have to reinstall it and Twitch the second thing didnt work, I will post to say if re-installing it worked

I have re-installed it and it still does not work, what should I do?

then its either your account has problems, our computer, your internet or steam i have no idea

WTF!?!?!?!? i just went to try it again and it worked...

... good job?

I will be on the Left 4 Dead demo in about 45mins so if anyone wants to play we me add ronnieb555