i was just woundering if 2 7950's ( saphire vapor-x ) could run far - cry 3 bioshock infinite dead space 3 on max settings on 3 monitors.
pc that i will get - http://pcpartpicker.com/p/M0j9
i know i could get a 8350 and get a 7970 crossfire but i will be doing editing rendering. i know the i7 is better for that stuff because its 100$ more.
Also i know i only have 1 7950 but thts y i went over kill on power supply so i could cross fire in the future.
Should be able to run them, not to sure about setting but im going to guess they would be able to, and if not they woldnt be too far off so you'd just have OC them to get to all max settings.
Personally id go for something like a UD3H instead of the Mpower and get a better CPU cooler or get a 7970 now and another 7970 in the future.
What settings were you at, my single 7950 has no problems handling it at High/Very high with 2xSMAA, but then again its relatively new im sure some driver updates will improve performance, especially with Crossfire.
If you are doing video editing you should look into getting an Nvidia card for it's Cuda technology. Instead of three monitors have you considered getting one 2560x1080 monitor, or a 2560x1440, or maybe even a 2560x1600. These type of monitors are geared more for the creative and production types. The cool thing about these are - you'll only need one GPU to run one of these bad boys.
I agree with Elmo, Crysis 3 at max in eyefinity is a no go on 7950 crossfire, however the others should be no problem, although I have had a bit of Far Cry 3 teething problems with my 7950's.
booniedog im auctally going to be using sony vegas which likes open cl better then cuda.
will this show more improvement than the hyper 212 evo? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835103176&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID=
or should i go with pre filled water cooling ? i rlly just want like 4.7ghz overclock or higher on the i7
I see you will be doing rendering. The PC seems good but you are really cheaping out on the ram. Ram is very important for rendering anything. Get at least 16gb's of ram. Finding the fastest speed your mobo supports and you can afford is important as well.
I'm kindof suprised with how many other people have Radeon 7950s in CF. I have only notice improvements when I used eyefinity or huge 1080+ monitors. CF hasn't really improved the performance of games at 1080p-. Thats just my expirence. I would imagine that a Radeon 7950 could run Crysis at High.