Corsair SP2500

Has anyone had any experience with these speakers? If so, please inform me of your opinion. I'd greatly appreciate it.


And, are they worth it?




I dont know about speakers, but corsair makes poor headsets. Corsair is usually fantastic. I personally have corsair memory, case, fans, mouse, keyboard,  and psu but it seems they cant do sound. Bose companion 2 are $100 speakers that are great. They dont have a lot of base though

No, 2500's are overpriced gaming crap.


If you want something like that, grab klipsch promedia 2.1's. They'll sound the same if not better. I'd grab Audioengine A2+'s instead.

Behringer MS40 powered studio monitors....FAR better than "gaming" speakers at half the price

Even better, Mackie you will NOT regret them