Corsair Neutron Series XT 960 GB SSD Benchmarks & Overview | Tek Syndicate

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at


Also, how dare you!

whoa, weird.

The editing is a bit off, but who cares cause there are good looking women in the advertisements.

Tek Syndicate can you buy me one of these russian bride things you keep advertising? Give me one that is way hot and is only interested in men of my own UNIQUE attractiveness level.


Much love,

also pay me to drink beer!

The audio is almost entirely out of left o.O

You are deff in one ear, you need to cyborg one of your ears. There is nothing wrong with this solid SSD review other than you not taking "the hint" and buying it for me.

I am Jesus Christ.

I am not saying I am Jesus Christ, I'm saying you need to purchase this SSD to appreciate your own life. Life without this SSD is not worth mentioning. You will buy this SSD.

@Logan I stole the benchmark results and put them in the Storage Benchmark Spreadsheet if you don't mind.

I thought both two burned in a fire. Good thing that's still kickin'

Too expensive for me right now, but quite impressive.

Corsair replaced one because they are nice.

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Wow so your still out one. I told Kyle about your fire issue after his AIO killed his test bench. Thought it would help him feel better to know someone else lost hardware this month. Think Austin lost a CPU too.

Thay should make it black or white :D But it is awesome!