Corsair Hydro-series fanless cooling?

Does anyone know how Corsairs liquid coolers performs without fans?

I want to mount a H60 in top of a Lian Li PC-Q25 to cool an i5-3570 (stock), but I can't find any fanless results on the interwebz.

pretty goddamn rubbish is what i can tell you

well i think it will run quite hot if you ever use the 75w TDP, but you might be able to pull it off if you have as many static pressure fans as possible intaking air and the only eksaust being through the radiator, as far as i remember the h60 is quite a thin radiator, it might work it might fail


140mm intake front, PSU exhaust, 120mm top exhaust, passive intake bot (for expansion card and bot-mounted storage devices.)

Heat rises... mounted top.

Noctua NH-L12 was originally planned with this build (case supports up to 80mm (H) heatsinks), but it will block the PCI-E slot on most m-ITX boards due to retardly placed CPU sockets.