Corsair H60 Pump Connector goes..where?

I'm currently planning my build and my mobo of choice is the Gigabyte 990FXA-UD3 AM3+

I looked at the board layout and It really lacks sys_fan headers near the socket,

I've read that the fan connected to the radiator goes in the cpu_fan header, but can the pump go into the pwr_fan header(the only fan related header besides the cpu_fan near the socket)? Or do I need to get a 3 pin to molex to connect it directly to the PSU

I've read that the pump needs to a constant 12v power, is that true?


in the video on the corsair website i looks like he put's the fan connector on the cpu fan header. and from what i could see he plugged the pump into a fan header.
so it's possible that the pump can be powered by the pwr_fan header. hopefully this bumps this post so that someone that has experience with corsair watercoolers can answer your question. but if it's a 3pin connector it probably goes on a 3 pin header^^

cpu fan header/cpu fan assist and even a chassis fan connecter, seen it done all three ways. i used the reg cpu fan for my rig, its what corsair and anyone else here would recommend/prefer