I hope you can help, I’d like to buy a replacement for my ‘near end of life’ Intel i7-7700k, but I’d quite like to be able to re-use it on my future i9-10900K or Ryzen 3950X. I’m likely going to hold out to see what Zen3 brings, but am I right in thinking that I will be able to use this cpu cooler on both my current and potential future CPU’s? Looks like I can, but just wanted to check with more knowledgeable folk.
idk how old your particular H100i is at this point in time.
But given the build it’s on right now, it’s likely a year or 5 old by now?
The liquids inside a aio can degrade over time and so is the pump.
So yeah if you could afford a new cooler, then i would probably recommend that.
And i’m not fully sure if Corsair even has mounting brackets for AM4 in this case.
Sorry if I didn’t make it clear - I currently have a very old AIO and would like to buy a replacement for the current machine. Ideally I would like to re-use it on my future machine that I’ve yet to buy.
You’re right though, my current AIO is 7 years old and definitely doing a poor job these days. I re-seated it with paste, but only knocked a few degrees off.
Thanks for confirming @Adubs concern about AM4 mounting. At the moment it seems I might stay Intel, but you never know!
Oh, are there? I was only going with what was familiar (previous was Corsair AIO) and I figured that 240mm might be wise for the new CPU’s to come. Any alternative suggestions? I was hoping to get them from ebuyer com.
Old and new. Not much of a temp difference, perhaps I did something wrong. Sadly the fans that came with it, had stubby little fan connectors, so I’ve put some temporary fans in.
Also, it wouldn’t fit on the roof of the case without me removing the cage, which I like for DVD rippin’ The next case it goes in will have plenty of room, so no biggie.
You said this was a 7700k? You probably wont see any idle difference. The difference will come under large loads, which a stock 7700k isnt a huge load.
also your airflow is wonky. You have it rear intake front exhaust.
Yes indeed 7700k, I wasn’t expecting any or much idle change, I was seeing 90-95 but with the new I get 70-80. Expected a little better, though not much as its OC to 4.8, though perhaps not very well.
Yeah, air flow is wonky, would have preferred front to back as is the convention, but just did what I could quickly as i have to work today
No I haven’t, not sure if I have the skills to be honest. Isn’t there a debaer tool I need or something? I’d definitely do it if I didn’t depend on the machine (for income).
With that overclock and the stock TIM, those are great temperatures.
You can 3D print the tool required to delid if you want. Theres also methods that dont involve a special tool but require more time and patience. I wouldnt bother doing it unless you get an itch to push for 5ghz.