Corsair just released the AX1200i PSU today! This PSU is digitally controlled and I was wondering if anyone had any predictions on what the pros and cons are going to be. Obviously the effieciency is going to be amazing and some reports state that it offers up to 100%. On the other hand will this PSU be more prone to failure due to the fact it has sensitve components that may not hold out in a power surge (ex. Thunder Storm!).
Doesn't support 4 way sli/xfire without molex adaptors
most motherboards dont eather. also, he was refering to the technology, not necisarily THAT psu.
well, i think the technology is awesome. efficiency is crazy high. just make sure you put a UPS or surge protector in line with it, as now instead of frying a psu, you can damage the contoler and it could potentialy fry your system. (however im fairly sure the psu would be fused or protected with a MOV)
Oh yeah the technoligy is great for sure