Coronavirus hardware buying - what to buy first for slow build?

Im starting a new workstation build right now. The Coronavirus is screwing with supply chains, and that leads me to wonder:

What PC hardware is likely to get hit first? Memory? HDs? Cpus?

I cant afford to buy all at once. I already have the chassis and PSU on the way, what should I get next?

GPUs probably, since they’re reliant both silicon supply for the processor and GDDR or HBM chips

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Ok. But between CPUs, memory and motherboards?

memory, hands down.

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i Agree with @Kaiju about memory and gpus everything else is so ez to get imo

maybe motherboard if you are looking top end low production ones like tr4 and high end x570/x470 boards

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Yep. Though you may still be able to procure much of it through the secondhand market, same goes for older generation parts as well. It’s just that current year GPUs and RAM will still be the most sought after due to use and abuse.

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while this is a route with new stuff being slow and or out of stock in most places ive been buying old computers and stuff.

also not alot is intesting in this product cycle im still not jumping from my b350 board and 1200 r3.

so i bought old retro stuff

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Other than that 5700XT Evoke OC i picked up for my VM shenanigans, i see no reason to upgrade my x370 and Ryzen 1700. Maybe find more Crucial ballistix ram to fill out the rest of the ram slots, but 32GB from a 2x16 kit is more than enough for the 1 VM and whatever im running on the host.

Hell, I still have a spare (but flaky) X99 board and 5820K sitting in my old tower just collecting dust, if the ryzen kicks the bucket i have that to fallback on.

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