I built a computer with recently only to find out later that the processor I had chosen, the 8320, makes Windows go full-retard through the magic* of core parking. Some game handle it much better than others. The game Path of Exile will not start unless I limit it to ones core, then there are programs like Blender where all 8 threads are utilized. Suffice to say 75% of the programs I've attempted to run are nearly or wholely unplayable because of core parking.
I installed all the hotfixes and disabled coreparking via regedit and various programs but none of them worked well enough to make the games playable without setting their affinity to one thread. It seems like there is something else keeping Windows from actually disabling it. Does it have something to do with hyper-threading or virtual cores?
After years of the issue being known, are there any new techniques that I could try or patches I could install to make my cpu use more than one thread, or am I forever doomed to have 8 single core proccesors?
*Flying unicorn kangaroos with pocket lint.