Core #4 5-10c cooler than others, core #3 5-10c warmer i5 4690k

title says it, My CPU core 3 is hotter than the rest by a significant amount, and the last core #4 is 5-10c cooler, I'm using an NH-D14 with NH1 and AS5 for this observation.

is this normal? is it just a buster temp sensor?

As not all cores work as hard as others all the time, the ones that do work harder will extreat more heat, BUT however if its by a significant margin EX. core 1 30c / core 2 50c then maybe there's something to look out for but very unlikely.

I'm running a stress test and all cores are at 100% load.

Even then: I can run aida64 for 15 min %100 load some cores will be in the mid 50s wile others are in the 60s and 70s

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ah its normal, thanks, just curious if I should be worried or not.

Yup, totally fine. Its kind of a trade off between the cores as they work. Some will be prioritized more than others, even in stress testing.

Another thing it could be is the way the IHS is contacting the TIM that's between it and the die itself, or even the way your present heat sink is set on top of the IHS. That bit is as simple as cleaning off your existing thermal paste and re-applying some fresh to see if it resolves anything. If not then that's just how your CPU do, as it were.

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I'm a bit late with this, but As far as i know it is relatively normal for devil's canyon. My 4790k is exactly the same and one of my friends 4690k is like that as well. Oh and its not going to be your heat sink i have tried re mounting mine. Anyway the heat spreader should stop that from happening if its working properly.

Personally i think its just the dies we have in our particular cpu's were in a certain place on the wafer that lead to us getting a really good core and then a few average ones.

This is normal, the hotter cores typically don't have as high quality of transistors, as well as the temp sensors aren't 100% accurate. Both of my devils canyon chips have had a core that is hotter than the rest.

Had an i5 2500k that was like that.

Luckily, my 4790k cores are roughly even at full load. Pretty much +/- 2 to 4c

I don't think I have own a processor AMD or Intel where all the core have been the same temp.
I think it comes down the the quality of the silicon and the how the heat spreader has been attached, temp sensor calibration
Core 2 is 4*c lower then core 3

Yea it comes down to quality of the silicon and the IHS. If there's more imperfections in the silicon over one core it will cause it to run a little hotter but still stable [obvi]. and if the IHS has had a poor installation or sub-par one (*cough 4770k*) it will run hotter too, sometimes unevenly.

Another thing could be Lithography, If the core is surrounded by other hot parts then it will run hotter, if the core is on the edge of the die then it'll be cooler. Every CPU is different in this regard.

On both my 2500k and 6700k I have 1 core that, when under load, is 5-10C cooler than the others.