I’ve got someone using my computer that doesn’t want me in the room while they’re using it. I know they are plugging in a flash drive then going through it. So I assume they’re deleting stuff then permanently deleting it from the recycle bin. So I want to just copy all files that go to the recycle bin to another folder at the same time, basically mirroring it, so I can go back and check what it is they are doing. The person in question is close family and I just want to make sure they aren’t doing anything nefarious on my computer before I confronting them with false allegations. They just do this a lot and apparently cant do this at they’re house on the shared computer at home. If there is away to do this in the background without a prompt coming up that would be nice but honestly I don’t even think they would notice. I would just remotely monitor my computer but I’m not usually at the house when they are and they don’t always tell me they’re doing anything unless they run into a problem with my computer.
As a side note, they don’t even know how to shut down my computer. They have to call me every time.
I’ll recount, it’s not porn. I know what it is, its hidden camera footage. I’m more concerned about why he’s hiding it from me. Its my dad so I know it might be easy for some people to just tell them they cant use it but I dont want to. I have several computer I could let him use if I wanted. I figured honesty was the best policy on here thats why I explained in full what I was attempting to do. I know its a kinda a touchy subject so I understand if nobody wants to answer, to be honest I was kinda expecting the responses I got. Just figured I’d try.
Well if you wanted help, you should have explained its footage from a hidden cam and not had it be a highly vague post, it would have bettered your chances since hidden cam footage is quite the aligation as it can often be invasions of privacy (of which, ironically that sounds like what you are trying to do). Though I’m now just curious as to how you know this and slightly interested why you seem to care or know someone who can set up and take video from a camera and yet fail to shut a computer down?
There are more questions than answers lol
That’s a dangerous way of thinking, many people have died that way kek
Haha he barely knows how to do anything with hidden camera! He bought these little apple phone looking wall chargers. They just plug in the wall and as soon as there’s some movement it starts recording and saves to a SD card that pops out the back. Worst part is a blue light turns on in the front when it starts recordings! How the rest of my family is so oblivious to it is beyond me. And I’ve been in my office while hes here and seen what it is before he found the minimize button lol! Also I have made my computer difficult to power on and off so maybe I shouldn’t put him down to bad, bios and windows passwords as well as not having a soft power button. Easiest way I suppose is just to go grab the cards out of the cameras and copy them real quick but I guess I was looking for a more elegant solution myself. But he’s been over here the last 3 days now and I’m a little concerned I guess, he’s actually he as im typing this. Feels weird getting ushered out of my office in my own house by my dad who doesn’t even live here, but hey, what are you gonna do?
There not at my place, there at his. He just comes over here to use my computer to look at the footage. I assume he doesn’t want anyone at his house to see whats on there.
If you’re uncomfortable with this (which you obviously are) you need to put your foot down. This is your home, not your father’s. If he wants to do whatever he’s doing, he has to come clean to you or find someplace else to do it. Since you’ve been letting him get his way for so long, expect lots of resistance when you assert yourself. Everyone likes a doormat.
Or you could just install some software to restore the deleted files. Tuneup utilities does this since emptying the recycle bin does not delete the data.