I am getting my first DIY PC in a few days and while i know all of the components I will be needing I want to make sure that my system remains very cool. I know that the intake fans are in the front and the exhaust are in the top/back, but what I would like to know are the advantages of buying extra fans, how many fans to put in that are intake/exhaust, and how good build quality the fans need to be to achieve a good airflow.
You would be good having 2 120mm/140mm or 1 200mm fan front intake, and 1 120mm/140mm back exhaust in most systems. However you want good cooling. I don't believe there's some sort of "reasonable" fan limit you should put in a case, filling them fan slots up will always result in better cooling, as long as your airflow is coordinated.
A safe bet that will keep things cool is front and side intake(maybe bottom if you have that) and rear + top as exhaust looking something like this hot air rises towards the top rear exhausts naturally and cpu and gpu recieves fresh air from the front and side/bottom.
If you got yourself a water closed cpu cooler with a radiator this video you can watch to help you with that :).
Most fans will get the job done but you don't want them cheap bad ones that break and sound like lawnmowers. In fact as i speak there are some deals on corsair silent edition fans on newegg if you live in NA that you might wanna check out. just watch a few fan reviews on youtube and you'll get an impression of what to buy. (don't spend 5 $ per fan -.-)
Would this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835181021 be good? I didn't realize until i bought it but my case only has front intake fans ;-;
Those fans would be fine. What case do you have?
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811822020 this is the case... no exhaust fans lol
well you can relocate them yourself but it's kinda lazy of them not to put them in the "proper" positions.
Now those fans will work out well that you picked. The question is how many chassi fans your motherboard supports directly? could you link your motherboard? If you have more fans than 4 pin connectors then you'll have to get molex adapters for your fan or other solutions.
Leave the two fans on the front for intake and put two new fans as exhaust, one on the back and one on the top. Or just add one fan at the back for exhaust. It's better to have more intake fans than exhaust as it creates a slight positive pressure in the case which helps reduce dust collection.
yeah, they come with voltage step-down adaptors as they call them running a bit slower
this question may sound stupid but... How can i tell which orientation for exhaust/intake? is it just which way you point them? Or does it say on the fans?
The advantage is... MOAR FANS BRAH!