after I overclocked my nexus 7 it started to get pretty hot so I looked for a way to cool it and I found this
Does anyone have any information on what this actually does to cool things. it looks small enough to fit inside my tablet (or laptop) it would be pretty cool if this was usable to cool things down a bit so I could keep my 2.8 GHz overclock on the my Nexus 7
This will not work in the way you think. The heat doesn't magically dissappear, it just moves heat from one side to the other and thus the heat will still be in the case. You have to have some method of transporting the heat out of the case once you move it, perhaps if you have some sort of heat pipe that you make yourself by bashing a bit of copper with a hammer and modding that in there some how. Its not a magic fix its just a better medium rather than traditional conductive heat exchange. In a sense it kinda forces the heat to move rather than just letting it "seep" away. I don't think it is what you are looking for, you'd achieve better results by changing the thermal paste.
it will actioly make things worce too. while this transports heat it also creates A LOT of heat of its own. if the cooling isnt suffitient the heat bounces back and makes the cpu even hotter.
the one good thing thies are good for in pc cooling is to get your cpu below room temps.