Fans look very nice not too dissimilar to the Noctua industrial fans I will say this much I have a CM Nepton 280L and its a really good cooler, and I mean really good, like custom watercooling good in fact I would go as far as to say outside of custom kits the only CPU coolers that compare are the swifttec AIOs and the Thermaltake water 3.0 ult. Needless to say I like it much more then the H100i. I would also like to say, because this is your first build, although premium fans are better in every way they will not make much of a difference in the overall performance of your system; that is if you have a budget put your money where it counts the most better fans are quieter and move more air but are extremely cost ineffective. You could be OCD about these things like me and replace every fan in your case and spend an extra 150-200$ per build for a 3-5% performance gain. But, as a matter of sanity that money would probably be better spent on graphics cards and processors. Not to be a drag or to derail this but AIOs are also kinda in this vein; While I love AIOs and use them exclusively, a good air cooler that is competitive with the 240mm AIOs cost less money and many are quieter. How much are you looking to overclock? If the answer is anything other then alot you may just be better off with a air cooling.
Lastly some tips for your success as a soon to be member of the Glorious PC Master Race:
Mail in rebates are with few exceptions, scams it takes alot of work to for-fill them and you have to wait 3814083 years to get a gift card which will in all likelihood be to places you don't want to shop. is your friend, it does the heavy lifting leaving you to enjoy, but it doesn't always have the best prices listed nor does it have all the products. When buying search around you can often beat the lowest priced vender.
Bottlenecks are exaggerated to a point of stupidity, like when a member of the US Senate was worried Guam would capsize if you put more weight on it. Point is just because people who should know are saying things doesn't make them right.
Pick the best performance for you not brands, AMD and Intel and AMD and Nvidia none of that matters each is dynamic and the best product is always subjective to what you are doing with it.
Research before you buy, a quick Google search can tell you all kinds of things about a product saving headaches and sadness later on.
Don't expect every part to overclock well, Ram, CPUs, GPUs, Mobos, monitors, and even some SSDs overclock. That doesn't mean they will do it well! They don't call the silicon lottery for nothing. HWbot is a good place to see what you might expect as well as compare to others to see how your parts stack up.
Take your time when overclocking and never exceed your cooling ability. If a temperature worries you it probably should. If in doubt Google the part in question!
Enjoy yourself, the PC master race will be better for it. We do this stuff because we love it. It's ok to get all bright eyed and excited waiting for the UPS guy, ok well it's a little creepy but still! Point withstanding and creepiness aside if you are not having fun your doing it wrong.