Looking into picking up a Xeon Phi 7290. Has a unique architecture. No one really bought them. Does anyone know how much cooling is required? Is this air cooling or water cooling territory? It has 72 core, and 4 threads per core.
TDP 245 W
You deff need cooling
Know if Noctua, or water cooling is required?
i mean any cooler designed for that TDP is fine anything weaker will just effect boosting
Yeah, I just don’t know if custom watercooling would be worth the cost.
I wouldnt bother unless you need every last drop of perf
Think I’d get this at most. I just don’t know if it has any benefit other than being quieter than normal AIOs.
Just picked up the coprocessor. Going to see if I can get it working with Threadripper. Might be a cheap means of speeding up long compiles. Probably have to write custom code to send commands, though.
Thas the LGA style Co-processor, right? Is that going like TR4 / 3647 sizing?
… Was their any confirmed [beneficial] use for them chips?
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