Cooler master 212 evo vs scythe mugabe 4

I bought Mugabe 4 under friendly pressure from the salesguy while in all the rest I followed mid grade Deutschland rig edition from the Tek . Difference where cca 8 euros but now I'm in mortal fear about it cos it is my first time trying to put a gaming ring together. It has termal paste allready aplyed . Should I use that or move it and put my own and is the new heatsink better cos it looked like a steel monstrosity whose only function is to store dust I have problem with on my old comp ... Thank you

There are plenty better options, but it depends on how much you are welling to spend. How much do you want to spend on your cooler?

If you are having an issue with dust, you just need to buy a can of compressed air, or use an air compressor that can blow air out, and blow the dust out of your system. 

>Should I use that or move it and put my own

Pre-applied thermal paste is generally low quality and the layer of it is too thick. I'd replace it. 

Having amounts of dust in your PC that affect cooling probably means that you are doing something wrong. Get some case fans with dust filters and make sure you are not placing your PC somewhere where airflow is obstructed. 

hyper 212 is amazing