I was helping my buddy build his rig, also using an FX-8350, and I suggested the Xigmatek Dark Knight II, it gives him very good temps.
I use the cheaper, but as effective, Cooler Master Hyper 212 Evo. I use it on my i7 3770k OC'd to 4.5GHz and it keeps temps well below 60C when gaming. Keep in mind that I lapped the heat spreader and delid my CPU to replace the TIM on the die with coollaboratory's liquid pro. In other words, when used with great thermal paste and there is efficient heat transfer, the CM Hyper 212 Evo is very effective at dissipating heat.
Side note, I used liquid pro on the die and Arctic MX4 on the heatsink. So you may want to try MX4 on the heatsink when you get it. I highly recommend it.