Cool video playerÂ that is where to get the latest cineplay. a really cool drag and drop video player that supports just about any codec.

how is this in comparrison to media player classic? also can it handle mkv files with embedded audio options, and subs?

Mmmmmm VLC ftw.. and when vlc fails me on some mkv's DIVX player ftw..

I've found since I've gone to Windows 7 (and perhaps on my old Vista build too) that VLC player causes pixily playback that other video players (Windows Media Player for example) don't cause. Windows Media Player blurs over the pixels instead of enhancing them, meaning VLC player is unwatchable when watching from a computer desk. Â its not nice :(

Huh, what do you mean... VLC works perfectly over here @vista and windows 7

i would have to try, but to be totally honest i have no idea what in the hell that is.

[/color]Sorry for the actual physical size of the image - no doubt this forum will auto resize it, so right click view to see i properley. I opened an episode of SD Chuck to show the differences. VLC player shows pixily edges to any detail - and in motion its even more noticable. WMP, and almost every other program however blurs the edges.

I see... Give me a link for codecs for wmp that will play any video format vlc do.

i think it is because wmp supports upscaling and vlc does not.


VLC FTW!, i dont mind it being pixely because it plays almost everything and thats GOOD in my book!