Cool things I could do with a low end gaming pc?

Once Ryzen comes out I'm retiring my old gaming rig and I'm wondering if anyone has any cool ideas for what I could use it for. I'm currently considering installing Lakka on it and setting it up as an emulation box but if anyone has any other cool ideas i'd love to hear them

note that the storage will be replaced

some more hardrdives and you have a might plex server

unfortunately the hard drives aren't staying in this rig, they'll be moved to my next PC, besides I don't have alot of videos anyways.

Use it as a capure rig, granted its over kill but you could capture video from your new gaming rig.

what are the benefits of using that over something like shadow play or OBS? I'm probably getting the 6 core ryzen cpu for my next build so there shouldn't be too much of a performance decrease.

Pfsense, run some Linux OSes
Proxmox VE

you could run a nas off of it. get 4 of these it's ecc and your mobo/cpu supports it, then run a nas. you can use it for storage and keep your new pc looking aesthetic and not full of cables and drives, and with enough drives you dont have to worry about loosing data ever again. run zfs and you can add storage on the fly.

Funny thing:
I have an FX-4170 and the same motherboard. 8 GB of RAM as well. I currently use it as a Proxmox-box which also does some samba shares. It's not an always-on machine though since it is too power hungry. I went and virtualized my unifi controller, made a java dev-box, a Win 7 VM. All things I set up once and they stay the same (bar any updates/patches) which can't be said for my WIN 10 gaming machine.
Got to say: It works well enough.
You might want to keep an eye out on ebay for some AM3+ opterons. There are three on the CPU compatibility sheet as far as I remember. They have either a lower TDP on quad cores (as well as lower clockspeed but that should not be a problem for some VMs and or fileserving) or you might be able to score a 3280 which is a 65Watt TDP 8-core. Maybe set an ebay alert or something.

@fredrich_nietze: Are you sure on that RAM? I have some dollars left over on my paypal and I was looking for used ECC for my rig. If that were to be compatible that would be really nice. I always forget the intricacies of ECC memory.

yes im sure. i checked multiple sites and they all say that the memory is registered ecc and your motherboard supports it according to the asus website. i even double checked that the amd cpu supports it and it does.

Now that you say it: Yes, there are PC3-12800 modules listed in the compatibility sheet.

I got to revoke my advice for a low-powered Opteron. My other motherboard supports them. Sorry.