Cool new Kickstarter Game

Hi Guys,

just thought i might spread the word on here about this cool game that's currently up on kick starter.





If people really can't see why this project will be a failure then I weep for humanity.


I'm confused. I mean its a cool idea. But its basically a better version of Second Life. What did you think about it?

I feel like as soon as players are given control on enforcing "rules" or "laws" than 99% of people will turn into bandits and just kill every other player they see. At which point the game will essentially become stagnant because the only way to play the game would be to kill people before they kill you.

I think this could turn into something cool. I actually had this idea a year or two ago but as I am still in development of my first game I am going to let them have it. Anyway I think this would be a great game. What worries me though is the whole not pay to win thing. Sure that is great but if you look in the FAQs they say there will be items to buy in game which means there will be micro transactions. Also I can kind of see what improvizoR is saying as in that maybe you will get those idiots who join the game just to cause havoc and ruin the game for everybody else but if they have a good enough admin froce this shouldn't be a problem. I havnt played second life so I cant really compare it to that. Anyway I would love to follow the progress of this game and maybe check out second life in the meantime. 

the people developing this are a big part in the arma 3 life mods.