Converting a date feld to an date (JAVA)

I have a DatePicker named aDateFieldA and an private Date called arrival. how to I move it between the two.

Um... What language or database product are you using? I'm not sure people will be able to help without knowing that.

oops. Java

with javafx

EDIT: currently trying "arrival = aDateFieldA.getValue();"
But I get "Type mismatch: cannot convert from LocalDate to Date"

can we see a code snippet? would help a bunch to get a context.

I think this might be helpful:

is there a specific reason you need the Date object? i ask because i use a DatePicker as well for a project however i simply retrieved the value and immediately formatted it so i could use it for SQL queries so converting to a Date object didnt matter

I just did a project that used a Mysql connector between c++.