Converted from VLC to MPC-HC (with screenshots)

I apologise if this is in the wrong section, couldn’t think of where to put it.

I’ve been a long time user of VLC and have never had any issues with it, however recently I started noticing stuttering and tearing when playing larger movie files, so I tried out a few other players when I stumbled upon MPC-HC. Now, I’m not sure if it will solve the stuttering issue but the picture quality, from default, is much better to my eyes. Colour saturation and what I perceive to be colour accuracy is much clearer.

Now it may be possible to achieve these same results in VLC by tweaking the settings, but out of the box it is a noticeable improvement, specifically in low light (see Bone Tomahawk)

The screenshots are off files of my hard drive, with the roughly matched frame, with MPC-HC on the left and VLC on the right, with examples from different movies.

Make your own mind up on what you like, it may be worth a try to all the VLC users out there.

Mad Max - Fury Road

Avengers - Age of Ultron

Bone Tomahawk

I've always preferred mpc to vlc. Give reclock a try, it may help with your stuttering. It's an audio renderer which adjusts the frame timings to match your refresh rate. Also have a look at madvr, it's probably the best video renderer I've seen. Both can be used with mpc.

Since MPC-HC integrated the LAV filters it's been an easy choice to go for it as my first choice. That's probably why it's been a good experience installing MPC-HC.

As abovce use the 32bit version and search for a guide on using MPC-HC + Madvr + ReClock. Just something to tinker with.