For the life of Gaben I cannot figure out what keeps causing crashing on my skyrim.
Here's the link to the graph because I dont know/dont have the time to post the image on here atm. All my mods are cleaned as well as the masters. BOSS and TESVEDIT doesnt tell me anything at all. Temps are normal andthe RAM usage is very well under the 3.1gb limit.
I really dont know what is causing it.
no one?
Gopher did a video that may help you. It a skse plugin that changes the way skyrim handles memory.
how do you guys manage to kill you skyrim so much? i installed 126 mods through NMM already only used boss for the load order and it works perfectly fine :D
i had some mods before that didnt work on me. your modlist would be usefull.
Yup got that plugged in too and still crashes :'( Been using Skyrim Performance Monitor and the RAM usages hardly ever exceeds 1gb and Im using RealVision ENB with aMidianBorn Book of Silence mod collection. My VRAM hits up to 2gb sometimes (MSI GTX 680 Twin Frozr) so could that be it maybe? Also my pc is AMD based 8350 on a Sabtertooth 990FX Rev 1...the outdated one...
All Unofficial Patches, RealVision ENB with Enhanced Lights/FX and Climates of Tamriel. Immersive Armors and Weapons, Immersive Creatures, Audio Overhaul, Fantasy Soundtrack Project, Heart of the beast, Sounds of Skyrim with compatibility patches, SafetyLoad, Cloaks of Skyrim, Winter is Coming Cloaks, Dragon Combat Overhaul, Brids and Flocks, HQ Milkyway Galaxy, Lush Trees and Grass, Morning fogs, moss rocks, Stable uGridsToLoad, volumetric fog, vibrant auroas, Vivid landscapes all in one with compatibility patches, Eagle Eye Perk mod, Complete Crafting overhaul, deadly headshots, Enemy AI Overhaul, Proper Aiming, Run For Your Lives, Werewolf Perks Expanded, dynamic fires, Hold Border Banners, Lanterns of Skyrim all in one with Compatibility patch, Skyrim Live, deadly Impact spells, aMidianBorn Book of Silence, Flora Overhaul, Hardcore Re-balance, Tales of Lycanthropy, immersive hud, customizable camera, EzE's World map. SkyUI, cinematic fires, dust effects, enhanced blood textures, pure waters all in one, realistic smoke and embers.
You asked for my mod list haha there ya go :p
It would help if you actually posted a screen cap of ALL your installed mods/plugins (inc any WS mods)
This... also, I would suggest using this instead of nexus: There is a lot to learn:
performed all the steps and still CTD'ing. :'(
Since you have Stable uGridsToLoad installed, what's the actual value you use? Since you're also using a few mods that spawn additional creatures and NPCs it might be too much. If you're using anything above the default of 5, you could try to start a new game with a lower value (or the default) and run around a little.
ugrid is at 5 and the cell at 100. I got rid of a couple of mods last night and I THINK one of them did the trick. im testing whether or not it works without CTDing now