Console vs. PC video cards

I have been wondering lately about console graphics and PC graphics.
Are console graphics better than PC graphics?
The other day my friend was playing Far Cry 2 with his EVGA 285 and I saw that the game looked the same when I compared it to my 360.

So here comes the real question.
Why is it that there is always a new better, faster, cooler faster PC video card being made when the consoles really "never" have to upgrade?
I know this may seem as though I'm portraying Consoles>PC, but I'm not. I am just curious.

Because, a console is not really meant to be updated every couple weeks. A console these days is a multi-media device, not just a gaming machine. If they were going to update the graphics card on a console as much as they do for a PC, they would not sell as well.

Console graphics are NOT better then PC graphics, if you think they must have poor eye sight.

Consoles are inferior to PC graphics.


The only thing that is cool about consoles is.... damnit.... I can't think of anything.

Consoles... are like communism. You get the same shitty hardware with the same shitty games and you live shitty gaming life. There is only one thing you can do and that is play video games for the good of all gamers meanwhile Microsoft controls you with an iron fist.

PCs are capitalism, if you have the most money you get the best experience, with 30" inch monitors, Phase Change Cooling, a million FPS in all games (including Clear Sky and Crysis) in all the highest settings with 2000xAA. You go down in history for breaking PC records because you could afford 9001 gallons of liquid nitrogen. Then there's the low class guys, who are barely playing there games with Pentium 4s and Nvidia 6600GTs.

The majority are a bunch of broke 12 year olds who use said Pentium 4 PCs and wish they could play Stalker and Cryostasis. These kids end up voting for the communist party and the Xbox 360, where the lower, uneducated class can mic spam at how awesome they were for being able to point their guns at the enemy with the crap controllers. They are also sadly forced to play fucking awful games like Gears of War 2.

Then there is PS3 prisons, where imadmen think they are tech savvy even though they use a console, just because it has DDR3 3200 Ram and some retarded 8 core processor that can't multitask for shit.

As for the Wiitards, well, it's punishment for evil gamers' sins. Heaven would be the key to IBM. Where your supercomputers can run all Pixar movies in real time at once, along with X-Men Origins: Wolverine (oh wait, my PC can do that, since the special effects are utter crap).

inb4 tl;dr (who would?)

When Noby Noby Boy, Little Big Planet, more fighting games and more sports games come to PC, I'll be first in line to bash consoles. Until then, with a good reason, they're still worth getting.

Though graphically, consoles have absolutely nothing on PC hardware.

Do not want Sports Games, thank you.

Only one game I'd play on a console, and that would be God Of War. Until then I'll stick to these shitty Valve games. I don't game much anyways.

Love me some sports games. :3


well said ultra

Why not have both? : 3 Buying my PS3 soon.

Why the hell are you here?...


Consoles is more chill to play on, its like lay down in bed or sofa and just chill.
Playing Burnout Paradise as we speak at my dad's.. Can't wait to get my own ps3 :3

consoles are fun to play.. some are portable too.. but i prefer PC. cuz it got lot of detailed gaming and the level of playing is higher than console.

With out Consoles there would be very few awesomes Japaanese Games because the the Japanese Games developers are more homed in on consoles.

i hate japanese games with a passion ... i hate anime as well but thats just my opinion of course

I agree, PC is much better for games and graphics overall, but at the same time i couldnt live without my consoles, i mainly prefer them because i can lie in bed and muck about with some games on my ps3 or xbox. Also most of my friends are on those consoles, but thats not point...PC is FTW, consoles FTW but not as win as PCs =P

I'd rather sit around and read books (you know, those things with really good stories, lol) than play a console. I get so bored with PS3 and 360... and I do try... I would really just rather read or play PC games.

I Hate Casual Console Games I only play the hardcore Console Games and all the ones I own are Japanese and  Imported from Japan but PC will always have better Graphics because they can not charge US$1500+ for a console.

Oh my god. I honestly thought I was the only geek who hates animes with a passion. Seeing someone with an anime Avatar makes me rage inside and makes me want to punch him in the face. No reason why tho, it just get me SO pissed. The worse thing is when I'm looking for a song on youtube and fall on a freaking anime video with the song over it...fuck I hate that lol. Anyways, enough bashing lol.

Consoles...I have an Xbox but never really play. I don't have anything against console...I mean everbody aint an enthusiast gamer. What's wrong with buing a prebuilt console, that by the way does its job well enough, to have some fun or relax a bit when you get back from school/work?

Personally I don't like them much, I hate the controllers...playing FPS's is a real pain in the ass. Plus it's full of annoying console elitists kids on LIVE...freaking annoying. PC gaming fo sho.

Sir, I believe I may be in love with you.Lol, JK, but that basically sums up how I feel towards things right now, from the anime to consoles.