Because I'm mature.
In all seriousness, I've got a Cooler Master Elite 120 and Radeon 6870 just lying around, so I thought I would make something neat out of them. ...But, what?
Well, I'm a caretaker for my grandparents as a day job, so I spend a lot of time at another home. I also spend a lot of time at the girlfriend's house, which leaves my Kodi and Steam libraries at home (Gaming laptops need not apply.).
Why not, then, build a little, portable, and lightweight PC with wireless components to carry around with me when desired?
Here's what I'm thinking.
OS: Windows 7 - Kill shell while booting into Steam BPM by default
Case: Cooler Master Elite 120
Motherboard: ASRock AM1B-ITX
CPU: AMD 5350
GPU: Sapphire Radeon HD6870
HDD: 1.5TB Seagate Barracuda (actually recovered from a USB Drive I bought at a yard sale for $3)
PSU: EVGA 400W (Maybe switch to a modular/semi-modular?)
4GB DDR3-1600
Random OEM blu-ray player for shits and giggles
Cheap-o Logitech wireless keyboard/mouse combo
Xbox 360 wireless adapter muthafuckin' velcro'd inside case
Whatever WiFi USB dingle-dongle I can get my grubby little hands on.
I'm intending to mostly install a handful of fun, sit down and play games that would also be fun with other people around (Borderlands, Trine, fighting titles, maybe Skyrim, Battlefield?), my Kodi library (primarily streamed content), and leave the bulk of my libraries (Steam and Kodi non-streamed content) on my primary desktop to stream over my small NAS shares for when I wanna plop down on the couch with an Xbox controller and just get my media whore on.
What do you guys and gals think? What would you do differently? I don't really have a set budget here as this is more or less just a pet project - so go wild, I'm all ears - and am willing to "upgrade as I go." Thanks!
Also here's a photo of my solution to "portability". I'm looking at you, Xbox.....