So umm..... WTF really Microsoft? Really Sony? just why does this exist. Are they that desperate? come on.
So umm..... WTF really Microsoft? Really Sony? just why does this exist. Are they that desperate? come on.
Ehh I could believe it but this is coming from Ubisoft mind. They were the ones originally claiming that it didn't matter and that 30 FPS was superior because it was more "cinematic." So I wouldn't be surprised if they were using this as some sort of justification for making poorly optimized and gimped games. Ubisoft hates PC gamers. That much is obvious. Always have and always will.
I really hope Far Cry 4 is decent on the PC. I've been looking forward to it.
well do you really think they will make far cry 4 decent for pc? i doubt it. I am really pissed at square over the absolutely terrible ff13 for pc..... its sooooooooo bad. i have no idea how it passed product testing. but im concerned about bad console ports this generation, i have yet to see a good pc edition of a "Next-Gen" game
Sounds about right. You limit PC ports to 30 fps and you take a competitive advantage that the PC has as a gaming platform away. Makes all the business sense in the world. This kind of thing has been going on since the inception of cross platform games. Microsoft pressured publishers/developers to make sure the game was the same on both the 360 and the PS3, even though the PS3 was a more capable machine in order to remove any competitive advantage the PS3 may have. And both did/do the same with the PC. Sure, you could sometimes get high res texture packs or maybe a physx add-on or something relatively easy to implement (which I'm sure M$ and Sony weren't happy about), but these tend to be the exception, not the rule.
It is in the console makers monetary interests to gimp PC gaming as much as possible. The more they can limit PC games, the less attractive it becomes as a competitor. If you can't beat the competition, then take out their knees.
If you want more cinematic go watch a movie. Damn peasants.
I really don't know. FC3 was okay. Except for the whole bullshit with UPlay. So i'm hoping it is decent.
No that is just because it is FF13. That game is terrible no matter the platform ;P haha jk
But seriously I agree. Really haven't seen anything that has been particularly good. Guess we just have to hope more people like CD Projekt make games for the PC. Shame the Witcher series bores me to tears.
This makes me really mad that they want to do this. I guess the 8th gen consoles will last last than 8 years
I remember the last console game I played. It was on the PS2, SOCOM Combined Assault. I miss playing that game and I cannot wait for the H Hour. The spiritual successor to it.
Guess they missed Forbe's analysis stating world sales of PC gaming have outweighed Console Gaming. Have fun with that 30 fps it will destroy your company unless you plan on targeting the ipad game market for children.
I was trying to remember the last console game i have played...............but i cant remember? Pc gaming is stronger than it ever has been. I wouldnt worry about children that cant run a pc. :) HA LOL HEE This is what i hear everytime i read crap like that.