I’m not that knowledgeable about setting up servers, what’s the simplest way access server without internet.
I have a offline router setup, both server and local pc are plugged in and can see both IP’s in my routers admin page.
Server is Centos 8
Local PC is Linux Mint
I used ssh to connect to the server and view the file system from local-pc. How do I mount directories of the server to my other PC?
I’ve heard of SSH, FTP, Public FTP, NFS, but don’t know what Centos 8 uses and what commands to use to mount directories to other PC’s on the network.
Again accomplishing this without internet is preferred. My internet speed is slower then 1 MB, I just want to be able to move files from multiple PC in the house with an offline router/server. I would figure Centos 8 comes with more then enough out of box tools to share files with other PC on a local network.
If you want to mount it locally, without installing or setting anything up beyond SSH on the server, use sshfs to mount on the client computer. If you want to graphically browse to the server, use SMB file shares.
Since sshfs is a small package, that’s my recommendation. It’s worth mentioning that all of the above protocols are acceptable, but sshfs only requires an ssh server on the server itself, so there’s a huge benefit there.
Many Linux file managers are also network transparent, and you may not even need sshfs if all you want to do is occasionally access and work with files.
In this example, I’m connecting to another system called ‘htpc’ on the localdomain and accessing the remote /home/anon/Downloads directory via sftp as the ‘anon’ user.
That location can be stored as a Nemo bookmark for easy use later.
The downside to this method is that it’s not actually mounted on your local system, so you won’t be able to interact with the files as if they’re local via the command line.
For that, the previously suggested sshfs is the right solution.
Well sort of change of subject. I was working on setting up a linux server because I thought my qnap nas was not working as intended. Turns out that the nas works fine. I’m a bit confused on my network speeds.
Original I was getting 1 MB over wifi, then I moved the adapter and got 6 MB, then moved the adapter back and got 6 MB again.
Then I tried a pc that has motherboard wifi adapter and I got 18 MB.
Then I move the PC getting 1 MB and 6 MB right next to the NAS and Router and I got 6 MB.
2.4 ghz and 5 ghz were basically the same speed’s.
Here is the NAS https://www.amazon.com/QNAP-TS-332X-64-bit-Built-Network/dp/B07GVPHGSX/ref=sr_1_9?crid=A3OHMVB87O9L&dchild=1&keywords=qnap+nas&qid=1588557786&sprefix=qnap%2Caps%2C1735&sr=8-9
Here’s the wifi adapters that only get 1 MB or 6 MB
I’d be pretty happy with 10-18 MB, but I’m not sure why that doesn’t happen with the wifi dongles? Though it works with motherboard wifi and even a laptop I tested.