I want to host something like a VPC so I can use a powerful PC as a host and connect an old laptop or similar to it. We have something like this in it school where we can use the license from some programs. I don't want to spend any money on software. Hardware is given: i7 2700 4GB Ram GTX 285 and 1TB of storage.
The main goal is to connect 1 or more Raspberry pi to it and run windows 7 VPC on them. The Server PC is running Windows 7 atm but I can boot it with anything I want it. I can get lots of Microsoft software and license free from school.
So, let me get this straight. You want to connect to a Windows 7 install, from the raspberry pi? Like a thin client? There are ways to do this, but unless you have tons of bandwidth (and a LOT of luck) you won't get a very good experience out of them
Yeah you got it right. I have 125 Mbit but I'll be running the server mostly im my private Network anyway. Do you know where Do you know where I can finde a tourtorial? I know that the experience will not be the best, but then I know how it works.
I'll try that. I rely want to go with Windows, as I am more used to it. Linux is great but not there where Windows is at the moment when it comes to compatibility.
It's totally doable to network boot Windows, but the question is whether or not you can network boot Windows on ARM...If you can't boot Windows on ARM (other than Windows RT I'm pretty sure you can't) then you're out of luck with a Raspberry Pi. You'll need x86 thin clients. By the time you buy those, and all the licensing for Windows Server and Windows Terminal server, you will have probably shelled out enough money to buy full blown PCs with Windows on them.
Hence the advantage to LTSP. (I'm sure someone has ported it to ARM, and its totally free.) What do you need to do with Windows that Linux isn't doing? Perhaps one of us could help you set it up, you'd be surprised what you can do with Linux
To me it sounds like he just wants to vnc into the host really, and the pi supports that just fine. All you need is a free vnc server on the windows machine (this is a one user at a time only solution though) if you wanted other people to use it too, you could run virtual machines in virtual box (free) and vnc to them, but you would lose gpu performance. And you would need more ram (4 minimum per VM)