Computer Won't turn on, after buying a new case and PSU


My PC's been out of commission due to a motherboard issue. So, I bought a new Motherboard. Didn't fit in my case. 

I then bought a new case that came with a new Power supply. I'm having issues though. My computer shows no signs of power. I have no idea why. I've tried many different formations of the front panel connectors, but nothing is seeming to work.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

~CG Impulse

didnt you not forget the 8 pin cpu power connector? connected in the right way..

The 8 pin cpu power connector?


wich motherboard do you have?

I had the same problem, the positive and negitive shouldnt matter for the power switch and if you tried it in all the possible ways (should say in your owners manual) then it sounds like a bad power supply. if you have another psu (dont bother putting it in the case or anything) just plug in the 24 and 8/4 pin and see if that turn on the mobo/cpu. also i dont mean to sound like a dick but make sure that back switch is on, on the back of the psu lol i forgot that one time and was freaking out for about 20 min till i realized it was off lol.

I have an ASRock z77 Extreme 6

Maybe you dont have the switch on the on position on the back of the PSU

i mean this 8 pin cpu power connector..

somethimes be forgotton cause its black

Another thing you can try is google which wires to jumper together on the 24 pin psu connector and that should turn on your psu.... if not you know its faulty.

Well, I just plugged that connector in... And still.... Nothing.

Another weird thing I noticed is when I tested it with 2 different PSU's, the fans made a half rotation, then stopped. After using that PSU, I was unable to make the fans spin again.

did you connected it in the right way? clips compairing to the notches on the side of the connector ?  some thimes wenn you forced it a bit you van  put them in the wrong way.. you need to plug in there  one 8 pin or two 4 pins, yellow black wired

and dit you connect the front panel header the right way power switch reset switch

I only have 1 6 pin. I'll check again.

the 6 pin is for an videocard not for the cpu.

listen  on youre cables from the psu there will be TWO 4 pin connectors  yellow black wired, use those two, and connect them in the right way so that the clips matching the nodches

There is only one, I connected it, Still nothing is happening.

Only one 4 pin


You need a 8pin for the  cpu socket power 


What psu are you useing?

My other power supply didn't have an 8 pin, only a 4 pin, and those worked fine.

Your old mobo was probaly a 4 pin power (some are better mobos are not) i am gessing your useing a cheaper psu if it dosent have a 8pin conector or a 4+4 conector (basicly a 8pin or a 4pin)

if you were running the 8pin mobo off a 4 pin you could of fried it, just like over powering underpowering can cause failiure too. but if you have warrenty dont tell anyone what you did and you should be ok just tell em your mobo isnt working when you take it back lol. Unless i missunderstood you, 2, 4 pin connectors will work just fine if thats what your using. 

I don't think that's the problem. I managed to turn it on before. But when I put it in the case it doesn't turn on. could be the PSU that came with the case?