Computer won't start

Hey guys, I'm not really sure where to put this thread, I didn't see a "support"-subforum. So I'm putting it here since the problem started to happen when I changed my harddrive. If I'm in the wrong forum, could the mod/admin please be kind and not remove this thread but put it in the right sub-forum?

Anyways, I've had alot of problems with my PC lately. It started with a HDD that failed me (pin broke off and windows didn't want to boot, but that's not the real problem). I used an old HDD and installed windows on it without no problems and when I turned off my PC, it wouldn't start again.

I tried to turn it on without the HDD in it, without luck. Also tried with only 1 ram stick, even without the videocard just incase the PSU couldn't handle putting out the power (which it should, it's 630w).

It started sometimes, like 1 in 20 if I had the luck. I looked into it, read that it could be the motherboards on-board battery, well I changed into a new one, and it started. Unfortunately I didn't have the HDD connected and that was the only time it worked since now. I also tried different HDDs, without luck.

The PSU seemed to be working since the power-switch LED on the motherboard had the lights on even without the battery in it. I've also checked that ALL the cables were in, and in correctly. But still, nothing.

Unfortunately I don't have enough money to change every part until it's working so I really want to be sure what the problem is before having to buy a new part (if I have to)

My PC parts:
PSU: Be quiet! 630w 80+ Bronze
CPU: i5 4690k (not overclocked)
Motherboard: Asus Z97-A
Ram: 8gb Kingston 1333mhz
Case: Corsair 300r
HDD: One 1TB Seagate that failed me, and then the 250gb WD Blue I reinstalled windows on.

I'd like to say thanks in advance for any helpful answers I'll get and apologise if there's any errors in my English (it's not my first langauge).

Its sounds like one of two things. A bad PSU or a bad motherboard. You could probably test the PSU, but it might be easier to borrow a working PSU and see if it boots from that.

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Jump the PSU with a paperclip, and see it it can power your components. Only test the mobo, with the cpu, and one ram stick. Dont worry about the HDD for now. If it can post without freaking out then we''ll take it from there. But your mobo should support power monitoring of the 3.3, 5, and 12V. What kind of voltage ripple do you see?