Computer won't post, all fans running

ok so to cut to the chase, when i turn on the system the fans will run ( case and cpu fan ) all LED's will turn on.

So there will be no signal to the monitor (GPU and cable is fine )

and My keyboard (USB ) wont turn on

Is this a faulty motherboard or PSU issue?

things I have tried:

resitting ram into a different slot and same slot,

ensured that all power connections are in.


Try to use the computer without a graphics card, if possible. Once, my computer wouldn't post because my graphics card was faulty. And I doubt its the power supple because the fans do run and the motherboard lights turn on. 

As I have said, graphics card is fine.

It looks like a vital component is missing/not working. (RAM, CPU or motherboard problems)

But it seems you double-checked everything. All you can do now is swap out parts to another system and see which ones work and which dont...

Due to the CPU fan running I think it's ok , resitted ram multiple times.

Motherboard it is?

Do you know much about CMOS?

Have you made sure the atx &12v power connector are both in? This is what happened to me before

Yea I unplugged and plugged them back in.