Computer upgrade suggestions?

So, about a year back i got a computer made through cyberpower (i was too lazy and busy with work to build one). So i didnt really future proof it and kinda went on somewhat of a budget build. I havent been really following parts and what out there or even looking into it so i have no idea where to start besides the motherboard i just ordered. Im mainly looking to upgrade my GPU, maybe add more RAM, a SSD, and who knows many other suggestions you can give me.

My current build is
Mobo: AsRock 990fx Xtreme3 (have a Asus Sabertooth 990fx R2.0 on the way now)

CPU: AMD FX-9370

GPU: XFX R9-280x Black Edition
For the GPU i was debating on gettin another of the same and crossfiring it, or just getting a R9 390 and selling the r9 280x

Ram: 8GB Corsair Vengeance 1866

HDD: Toshiba 3TB

SSD: None

PSU: Apevia 800W (Model - ATX-AP800W)

Any ideas, where too look, or read into would be amazing, thanks in advance.

Is this only for gaming? And what's your budget?

  • higher quality psu
  • ssd - samsung 850, crucial, intel
  • good cpu cooler if havent got one already
  • strong single gpu > multi - less dramas
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Mostly gaming, i dont really plan on streaming or recording. I have an open budget, aslong is its not crazy, i dont plan on building and ultra-high monster. Just something that will play my games with no problem at 1080p 60fps atleast high or above, and possibly a little more snappier OS. and maybe just future proof it for a year or so.

I think you are fine just buy a 250gb ssd if you have the money and you will be ok.

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Exactly what deejeta said.

A better PSU, possible something 80+ Gold, and an SSD, possibly a Samsung 850 Evo. If it's in your budget, get a 970, and call it a day. Most of that stuff can be reused in a year, and will last quite a while.

If you want a new OS go ahead and get Windows 8.1 and decide if you want Windows 10 later.

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as noobish as to say or ask haha. the 970 is better than the 390, especially since theyre the same price range or is the 390 just more of a gimmick?

That's up to you to decide, the 390 isn't released yet, and it's hard to say anything else. However, the 970 is just a personal preference, I like nvidia. When more hard data comes out on AMD's new stuff is out, more can be said.

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The 390 will just be a 290 with perhaps some more vram and a boost in clock speed.
970's are great cards, 290's are good, 390x (290x) are great. all comes down to your requirments. On a side note it would be careless to run a high end gpu with that psu, it really is a time bomb.

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Hmm, then ill just get a PSU and SSD first then a GPU. Plus that works out since itll give me ambition to get a modular PSU and do better cable management since if it isnt clean looking itll annoy me haha. Ill probably get a GTX since overall in gaming it seems like Nvidia has better graphical options than AMD. yet i dont fully understand the differences between AMD and Nvidia cards besides Cuda Cores really.

do yourself a favor and get an SSD other than that 280x is still plenty enough for 1080p gaming and if you really insist on buying a gpu then wait for r9 fury or r9 nano

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390 is available right now, check amazon.

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The fury cost the same as the 980 ti but is slower and has less memory. -_-

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so ? whats your point -.-


alrighty so here is my upgrade roadmap. Any suggestions?

SSD: Samsung 850 EVO-Series 120GB 2.5" Solid State Drive
PSU: EVGA Supernova 650 G1 80PLUS Gold


GPU: MSI GeForce GTX 970 4GB Twin Frozr V

I like it. If you have more money, go for a larger SSD, there is no reason not to if you have more.

And @Icureditwithmybrain, thanks I didn't know, hard data waiting time. Dunno what you mean by the Fury having less memory and making it sounds like it is a terrible thing that will completely make it suck, but ok.

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The best buy near me already has the R9 390s on the shelf so i thought maybe they screwed up the memo xD

Get the Supernova GS 650w - - strong single 12v rail, seasonic oem, imho multi 12v rails for psu's <1000w should be avoided (supernova nex's)

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Personally, I would crossfire 280xs. If you were to crossfire, I'd suggest a 900-1000 watt PSU, as two 280x will take a lot of power and it's nice to have a big amount of overhead for overclocking and such. A crossfire would have MUCH better performance than a 390 or 970 though. It would be a huge gap in performance. However, there are all the crossfire issues that could come with it... Also, look into an SSD, they really bring new life to a computer.

The best place to look is
It finds prices and components and stuff.
Alternatively, there is Newegg or Amazon.

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Not totally sure if its the drivers or the amount of memory but watch this video of someone attempting to play gta v at 4k with a fury x.

Same guy playing gta v at 8k with a 980 ti.

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