I was having a battlefield 4 binge session and my rig just shut down out of nowhere. I'm not maxing out the power on my 1000w power supply and there was nothing relevant in the event log prior to the shutdown after reboot. Any ideas?
asrock 990fx killer
amd 8320
2x 290x powercolor pcs+
rosewill 1000w continuous power supply 80+bronze
thanks in advance
Have you overclocked the cpu?
I use an h100i as my cooler and just to 4.3. It's a mild overclock and it rarely even exceeds 60C so I don't think it was the heat.
edit: This rig has been running in it's current configuration since around October and this is the first time it has given any issue.
put it back to stock speeds, and try if it still shuts down.
Because it doesnt have to be the psu persee.
I turned off the power at the psu and let it sit for about 15 minutes to cool and it started up as if nothing happened. Also there were no smells smoke or any other indicators of impending electronic doom. Even now its running just fine again.
I adjusted it down an even 4.0 since thats its advertised clockspeed and will see if it holds steady. It could have just a fluke or a power spike too since the wiring in this building is terrible and does that from time to time. I'l report back should something happen but I can definitely say my jimmies are a tad russled at the moment.
I figured out what the problem was. Please take down the thread