Computer Science Lounge - [Too Many Idea Men Edition]

Alternative is to do some kind of complicated static analysis using dynamic programming back up the decision state tree… depending on how you model your machine, it may be hugely impractical (static analysis usually is)

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When I first read your description, i thought of a a linked list.

I would approach it like a double linked list with an isVisited boolean. When you move to the next cell, you can check if it has been visited. Then depending on the direction that you came from ( or p.previous) you can move one step in the opposite direction. If you run into isVisited as true, then you can assume that the tape is in a ring and stop. You would never loop between the same two neigbors in a row and you can predict the next move.

For added measure, you do not need to store anything on a stack as the tape is storing all of the information so your state machine can be simple.

But then again, you did not define the constraints of you Turing machine and you valid states. The answers can be varied or very specific depending on the criteria.

Thanks for your input, I have been quite busy.

Soon I will be posting a pretty cool HW I had to do involving building a graph over the web and then processing that graph. Anybody interested in expanding something like this?

So I was playing around with Go.

What do you need to know about it?

Nothing now lol

I am back, just finished my semester.

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Anybody have experience with react.js and express? I would like to pick your brain.

Yup. Shoot.

Started studying data science and i’m really enjoying it. Does anybody know if remote data science jobs are a thing? From what I’ve seen there are only a handful.
I already work as a programmer from home and i’d rather take a bullet to the head than go back to meatspace offices. This is not a hyperbole.

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Amazon, Ebay, Google, Uber. They all have “Data Scientist” positions in the greater Seattle area. Data Science is closely tied to Business Intelligence (BI) and Data Analysis. They are out there but with different names.

I meant remote as in “working from home”, not having a physical office space to go to.

roger that. I will still look into that. The shops in the Seattle area are usually pretty friendly to remote workers and remote contracted workers.

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Let me get back to you soon if you dont mind.

Anybody use Aldon? I know Git pretty well and wonder if anybody could tell how what is equivalent in terms of branches, merges, repos, ect?

@Selhar Hey you mentioned you were studying data science. I am trying to gauge how much formal education you need to get into that vs just doing stuff on your own time?

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