Computer Science Lounge - [Too Many Idea Men Edition]

for what?

Ah, makes sense. That’s awesome though.

To contribute to this thread

Sure seems close enough.

Have any of you any experience with Go Lang. I am trying to make a simple server but I am getting strange compilation errors. I am basing it off this guide.

I am getting this error when I try to compile


This is pretty cool

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Got linked that in discord. Though it frustrates me that whoever the original dev’s are didn’t do it right in the first place.

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Such a simple thing as well, its like the guy that was writing that flyweight got half way done and went on vacation and forgot to finish it when he returned.

one of those instances where someone expects a certain thing to always be true and never adds a check for when its false. such a stupid little bug too :frowning:

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Hey guys I have a issue. Wondering if any of you would know whats going on. I am trying to write a program that creates a directed graph data structure for Wikipedia. After I build the graph which I limit to only so many nodes I try to write it all to a file. I am using Java.

After I ran the program there does not appear to be a txt file that I wrote too but at the same time my Linux directory explorer or the terminal seems to have a problem displaying all the files in the directory?

Whenever I search for the file I created it crashes the file search?

What method are you using to write to the file. Also are you wrtining the raw objects, or are you writing the text only?

You could always device your own file writer class too but, Java has come a long way, you don’t need to do that anymore.

I am writing to a file I am creating with a PrintWriter. I have no problem creating the file a few directories up but it doesn’t seem to work creating the file in the eclipse work space?

Interesting. What is your file system? I have not used JAVA’s v7 mathods for wrting files. I have always used the Stream methods and the done it the hard way.

The API says that it does not throw IO exceptio s but you may be getting one. Try to use the checkError() function to see if there are any errors. Also, it does not flush the buffer on new lines.

Check the JAVA docs

Anybody know anything about Turing Decidability I could use some help getting started.

Sounds like someone needs to brushup on finite state Autamata

This link will brush up Turing machines and states. Some examples of Deciders and Recognizers as well

not really brushing up as we just got done with push down Autamata and now on to turing.

Understood. You original post did not make that clear.

I know about them. What exactly do you need help with?

How would you design a decidable turring machine to prevent the machine from looping back in forth in the same cells?

Uhm, why?

By definition this is kind of not strictly a Turing machine anymore, but depending on how many cells you have and if you can index them, just keep the visited indices in a set. …(or create a big array of bools or a bitset, or add a visited bool for a set) and then check if you’ve visited the cell.

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Ok I actually thought of doing that, just wanted to see if others would say the same thing.