Computer runs slower on performance setting in BIOS


So i just found bout today that my runs faster when i put the BIOS at normal speed (if that makes any sense, if not tell me and i will clarify) but when i put my setting one performance well something odd happens and that is that it starts to actually slow down me this is very evident with my FPS dropping to the low 10's - low 30's and bouncing between them, and i'm thinking this isn't suppost to happen so i need a little help to fix it, I think its my power supply but i'm sure i'm wrong, so please can someone help me. thank you, (again i didn't know exactly where to put this post so yeah here it is :/)

if not tell me and i will clarify

please do

ok so my motherboard is an Asus Z77 Motherboard with BIOS so when i enter the bios it has three settings for how to run the computer the in this order Power saving, normal, and performance. is that enough info or do you need more if you need more then please feel free to let me know, i will do my best to do so

  • your psu is fine
  • go back to 'normal' and leave it at that until you build up your knowledge of hardware (start by reading the manual)

K thank you

No worries. Depending on what model board and bios revision those optimal, performance one-click settings can change a lot of settings that may lead to instability. Some will raise the voltage more than it needs to set it overclock leading to thermal throttling if cpu hasnt got adequate cooling. (as I assume in your case).

Im guessing you have an ivy bridge cpu which are flawed by having an unsoldered heatspreader on the cpu die. Even at stock voltage and no overclock they run very hot with the stock cooler. Once even slightly overclocked things heat up really quick and once it reaches its threshold instances such as games slowing down etc happen as the cpu scales back it speed in order to stop itself from overheating.

What cpu, psu, and cooler do you have? It could be that your psu can't handle the extra strain (depending on how good of a psu you have and the wattage of it), it could be that your cooler isn't able to handle the extra heat put out by your cpu and is throttling back (can you check temps in game and see how they differ from one setting to the next as well as the frequency both settings run at?).

If you don't feel like bothering with that, so long as the normal preset isn't causing a problem (ie you aren't getting the performance that you expect or need), then you could just leave it.