Computer is aging and I'm looking to upgrade some things

Alright so I need some advice on what to get. I have a new PSU, RAM, HDD, and a NZXT Phanton Fullsize Tower.

The parts I'm looking to upgrade from are:

  • CPU - AMD 1050T
  • Mobo -  ASUS M4N75TD
  • GPU - GTX460

Here's the thing. I am limited on what to buy right now but I want to upgrade something. I do a lot of gaming and a lot of audio production. ( :)

I'm thinking about upgrading my CPU and Mobo first but I'm not really sure what to get. I was thinking the 8350 and some $100 motherboard. Not really looking to spend more than $300. I won't be overclocking so I don't really NEED some top of the line motherboard, just something that'll support the 12gb of 1600MHz RAM I have.

CPU: AMD FX-8350 4.0GHz 8-Core Processor ($179.99 @ Microcenter)

CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler ($29.99 @ Newegg)

Motherboard: Asus M5A97 R2.0 ATX AM3+ Motherboard ($94.99 @ Microcenter)

Total: $304.97

Already got a 212 EVO :)

all the better :)

Also it says the 8350 is instore only :(

You can allways grab one from newegg if your not by a microcenter (i think there around $190 at newegg)

Should I be looking at the 8350 though? I think I'd be fine with a 3570k or a 4670k but I honestly don't know much about those processors. I know my audio production software uses A LOT of CPU power. Maybe I should look at the 3770k/4770k for the HT?

Help. :(

The i7 will be better but a 4770k is $330 then you will need $100+ for a mobo for it takeing you up to $450+ a bit more than you whanted.

The FX8350 is on par with a i5 (the intel being a little bit better at single core perfomance the FX being better at multi core performance)

Alright thanks! I'm going to check with the people who make the audio software and see if multicore would be better than an i7 with HT or a regular i5.