Computer Hacking Lab

if you want to have fun with windows machines, make sure to leave ipv6 protocol on;
then simply broadcast ipv6 addresses and have fun... your windows machine will die in 5sec with only few mb of data.

What you should really do is learn a scripting language, like perl or ruby, and create your own program that way. That way, there are hardly any preventable methods that way, as yours is original, plus, if you implement it via linux kernal, you could have a very powerful tool on your hands.

@teksupporter, are there any specific sources you would suggest to learn a scripting language?

Codeacademy is a great tool. Not only does it teach you, but it is also interactive, letting you try out things without majorly screwing up things. If you don't like it, you can also use sololearn. Those resoruces are great for ruby. As for perl, you can use this link, or others that you can find out there. If you know the basics of programming, it makes it a lot easier, as it's just re-learning the syntax all over again.

Sorry to take so long to update this!

As it turned out, none of us were able to do anything, because one enterprising students perform ipv6 flooding on the server, and kept crashing it. The entire class period. I did mess with one guy; I plugged a wireless keyboard into his computer and messed with him that way. Overall, a very unsatisfactory lab. It was a participation grade though, so I got 100%.

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Yeah ipv6 router advertising flooding is a classic, plus it's really easy to do.


Nailed it! :D

I'd suggest to write your own keylogger, unless you really really trust the source.

Here you go.

Edit: oh god, i brought it back from the dead.
The forum should really add a "are you sure you want to comment on a old thread?" popup.

I'm gunna be like a child and act like everyone else when they see a necro thread. And type necro in caps.


But to be honest, at least it's useful to the topic.