Computer freezing

I bought a new AMD rig in January (don't even think about it) and about two weeks after using it, it's started locking up randomly. All the way up to now. It occours about once a day, the computer locks up, the sound stutters for about 4 seconds and then stops completely.

Before, i would get the popular "HyperTransport Sync Flood Error", after a bios update i simply get this locking up.

My Specs:ASUS M4A78-E
Athlon X4 630 (@3.2)
G-Skill DDR2 1000 (4GB)
1TB WD Caviar Black
250GB Barracuda Reserve
GTX 260 C216

Try to have a look if a comment, if you scroll down, would resolve the error.

The link:

thanks, they seem to have come to the conclusion that it's voltage issues. I'll recheck the power needs for my RAM and screw around with the values. I do have a OC going on, about 400mhz. I'll up the voltage from 1.35 to 1.36.Also, i disabled the Cool n' Quiet function a while ago, didn't do anything :I