Computer for my buddy

So, I've already made  build for him, I was just wondering what you guys thought about it or if you guys had any suggestions for me. He wnts it around 1000 dollars but he can go a little higher.
He wants to play games like BF3, BF4 (when it comes out), Far cry 3, and Crysis 3 t max setting at 40+ FPS.
He is new to PC gaming, trying to get him to join us. 
He is mostly using it for games, making music, and a tiny bit of CS5.
I will be doing a tiny overclock to like 4.3-4.4 ghz.  I've built about 7 computers in my time(I know not much) but everyone has seemed to be hapy with them. 
Yeah, but if you could give me any suggestions that would be awesome.

The part list:



That link does nothing. create the build on pcpartspicker