im starting to choose my classes for my final 2 years in high school (im in victoria, australia by the way) and i am thinking about training in to computer science, i want to work somewhere like asus designing motherboards or graphics cards, what type of couses whould i want to do. I tryed surfing the net and didnt find very much that helped me,
Yeah I second that, for pure hardware design/testing/production EE is the way to go no question. However Computer Engineering itself is a pretty neat balance of hard and software which may be nice if you want to work in a field in which a solid knowledge of both is desirable. However you say you are in high school so unless you are looking at a killer program or class (like one that can give you college credit or is pretty exclusive) just take what you want to take, it's not going to hurt you in any way (sans not getting any exposure to something else you might like). Having said that I would try to take a software class also if possible, as it can give you an idea of what both sides of the equation (hard and software). Just try to take a selection as broad as possible (that you still enjoy) and really try to nail down what you like, although keep in mind you generally have a few semesters of that exploration in college anyway.
For me high school was mainly about getting the grades needed to get into a good university. As far as good classes to take I'd suggest the highest levels of math and science that you can take in high school. In the United States the university level is orders of magnitude more difficult than secondary education (though this could be exaggerated due to our horrible secondary education), so every college level class you can take in high school will be an advantage for when you get to college.
i was already going to do the highest maths as well as physics and chemistry so i think i will go do electrical engineering first and then maybe computer engineering later if i find i will need it
You dont need chemistry but if you enjoy it, do it. You are gonna need physics and a high level of maths in year 12. I'm pretty much in same situation here in sydney, just cant decide between computer engineering or mechanical engineering. If you go into computer engineering you can go into hardware design, networking or software.
I'm in South Australia currently doing year 12, We don't have to do english but we get bullshit Research project instead. if you want to do anything like that, I would recommend first that you have a natural proficiency, or a love, or prefferably both for maths. science helps, but you will use maths for all that science anyway. second, in order, these subjects are most important, in order
1. Maths Studies (second highest level of maths, so I think it's maths 2 in eastern states?)
2. Physics
3. Specialist maths (I think that involves doing maths 1 and 2, very highly recommended for anything involving engineering or computer/maths science)
4. chemistry
these are the 4 subjects I am studying, plus research project, and I'm planning on a double degree in chemical engineering/computer and maths science
i think i will also do specialist maths in year 12 as well, but because i go to a christian school i have to do religion. i finish vce IT next year in year 11 because i started it a year early so i will eirther go join the airforce at the end of year 12 or go to rmit uni to study electronic engineering