Computer crashing when big explosions occur

I'm playing H1Z1 and when a big explotion occurs like a plane dropping a bomb my sceen goes black and i can hear the computer still running but i cant do or see anything without restarting my computer.
I have a EVGA GTX 970 and 500 W PSU


No clue what the issue is.

What are the rest of your specs though? I am wondering how much power you are drawing from other components. What make/model is the 500W PSU?

Possibly a driver issue? Have you tried to reinstall/update drivers recently?
Are you able to hear audio when the screens go black?

No every goes quiet

Its a old one but i have a i5 4690k two ssd's and one harddrive

I have just reinstalled my pc and i have forgot to install geforse experiecne so i think its that! Thanks!!

Hell no that wouldn't be it, the "GeForce experience" is just annoying marketing bullshit and your PC would be faster without all of that kind of bloatware. You do realize that nVidia and it's commercial partners now know what games you own and what games you play? And xwhat do they give you in return? Automatic driver updates, which would be there anyway? Config recommendation, which are personal taste anyway?

H1Z1 is just very buggy, it's pre-release alpha, there are many annoying bugs, like the airdrop bug, which is very annoying, the many gameplay bugs, etc... so you've probably stumbled upon yet another bug, maybe worth checking the H1Z1 developers forum for?