Computer Blue Screening from win32k.sys

My computer has been showing a blue screen again. It doesn't appear to be tied to loads since it has happened when just browsing the internet. I already checked my ram and ssd. I used bluescreenview to evaluate the minidump files that caused were shown as fatal errors. All of the shut downs are caused by the driver win32.sys. Here is an image of the info I can gather with Blue Screen Viewer

Here is the more info for the adress win32k.sys+c4283

Here is the more info for the adress win32k.sys+22c9ed

Thanks in advance

Well, 3b errors more times than not are driver related. I've also seen them thrown due to bad ram, but a bad driver is the most likely culprit. So, I'd update your drivers first, see if that helps the issue.

Did you install or update anything shortly before the crashes started? If so, that's something to look into as well.