Complete + Utter 100% FOSS for 28 days

As the title says, I am going fully 100% FOSS for 28 days. NO Games, NO Windows, NO Proprietary shennanigans.


I've just installed openSUSE bare metal with no blobs or proprietary business............... this could end up disasterous or a revelation..............

Firefox kept crashing, so I had to install.........Chromium, could've installed Chrome, but that's a shady area re:foss

If anyone can point me torwards total FOSS programs I would be very grateful

Firefox: use ESR, also on Windows, that's usually a good choice. ESR won't crash, unless there is something wrong with a system dependency.

One of my favorites is Zotero, really nice to synchronize reserach over all devices, and it takes the hassle out of quote references, it can format those in dozens of standard formats, depending on what it's for.

If you're ongtk, guake, if you're on qt, yakuake. If you're on xfce, you don't need it because it's already there: a hotkey scroll-down terminal, the mother of all efficiency!

Eclipse with the plugins you need.


Digikam (qt) / Darktable (gtk) (digikam is way better)


Audacious (gtk)

youtube-dl (because you won't have adobe flash or chromium-pepper since you're 100% FLOSS)



LaTex (also a huge classic)



Urban terror


Hamster (gtk, time tracker, best used with the gnome extension, hugely efficient!), for Qt, use the time tracker from the KDE PIM functionality, could be working with akonadi or not, depending on what KDE you're on

caffeine (the Gnome extension if you're on Gnome, on KDE the functionality is built in by default)

I don't know, what do you need an application for? Tell me what for and I'll tell you what I use for that lol


PS: I've been using Linux and FOSS as main software since 1996, with very little closed source use besides it. So 28 days is nothing in comparison to 18 years lol, it'll be dead easy, and you'll never want to turn back.

Hello Mr Zoltan.

I'm now on openSUSE 13.2, one or a couple of the very few things that kept me Windoze bound was Games and Study:

My University was using VMWare/View for study for shutins like me, they've now switched to you can use any browser and OS to login and study.

I'd say 85% of my PC useage - programs and whatnot is easily and natively doable on Linux, my main use for my PC is very minimal:

Games  -  Not quite there

School  -  Now were talking

Music/Video  -  Easy

I used to have Win 7 / 8 / 8.1 installed and even installed the Tech preview for Win 10, but I'm tired of the constant shit you have to deal with with proprietary software, the constant battle of "accept - accept - accept - sell your soul"

Now I have a bare metal Linux install I can now breathe I am not chained to a way I'm told to go, I can go the way I want

Apologies for the vagueness and rambling


prepare for alot of netflicks & youtube?

I've also gotta lose my old hankering for Benching and OC'ing

Well YouTube sucks

Just FLOSS on your PC? Or are you going full RMS? In which case theres a lot more things you can't use.

I'll assume your not going full RMS, most people dont.

  • Youtube is already using HTML5 for most videos (
  • Whatever browser you use go get httpseverywhere (GPLv3+)
  • Chromium is fine though im not sure why people keep having problems with firefox
  • Libreoffice or if you using KDE try out Calligra suite, some of it isnt quite as mature as Libreoffice but its very good expecialy the creative apps
  • VLC! (you can also watch youtube in this)
  • Feeling adventurous? Emacs, with org mode for organisations, notes, etc
  • Looks like you're at uni/college, if you have a little time learn LaTeX, its great for doing your reports, you set up your environment and work no faffing around with formatting once you start typing just type and tell it what you want.
  • Music - you'll want to store it locally, try out mpd/ncmcpp


Firefox and VLC. All though I don't really agree with the philosophy, non free software is good as long as the code is open. You NEED Eclipse.

Why do you need eclipse?

There are some open source games like Xonotic so some light gaming is not out if the question. If you like rouge likes there are tons of them.

There is some Benchmarking software like Phoronix Test Suite.

Photography and graphics is easy  GIMP, Inkscape, Darktable, Blender, Calligra Suite

Video editing is little harder, Lightworks isn't fully open source. But you have pitivi and kdenlive.

Audio editing you have Ardour and Audacious.

Music players Banshee and Clementine are both very nice.

Video VLC,  and Kodi (XBMC) are amazing.

Virtualization, Xen and KVM are the fucking shit. There is also virtualbox.

Internet, Firefox, Chromium, Midori, Iceweasel

Email, Evolution, Thunderbird, Kmail, Mailpile which is very cool

Coding, Geany, codeblocks, IDLE, EMACS, Vim.

Office, OpenOffice, Libre Office, LaTeX and Calligra Suite.

I wish I could go full open source but steam, Skype and team speak prevent me and my GPU is NVIDIA soon to remedied.

Because eclipse is awesome :). He doesn't necessarily need it. I just recommend it.

+1. Clementine is amazing. I wish there was an Android version...

I've enjoyed my journey so far, but there's been one big caveat, triple screen support, dual screens haven't been a drama and theres only 2 distros I've tried so far which actually support triple screen out of the box SUSE & Mint and even then it's flaky at best

What you need is a package called arandr, it's a GUI front end for RandR, the VESA-based screen configuration tool that linux uses.

There you can sort out your screens like you would with the AMD Catalyst Control Center, by dragging the screens how you want them to fit into the desktop area.

You can finetune your entire multiscreen madness in seconds with that.

The settings you do on arandr, are not persistent by default. An easy fix is to save your configuration with the save as function, and then autoload that file at boot.