I've designed a complete system build for video editing/rendering and some content creation, as well as heavy gaming, this build includes:
-A desk -A chair -1 IPS panel monitor -1 TN panel monitor -A good mechanical keyboard -A great pair of headphones
But, maintaining all these features, I invite you to rate and make suggestions on my soon to be build, and even design build of your own if you with, but, enough of my rambling, here's my designed build:
http://ca.pcpartpicker.com/p/4Wv2NG Your getting a processor that is slightly slower but not a big margin and being a Xeon is more reliable. You also get a motherboard with usb 3.1 which could come in handy in the down the line since usb 3.1 flash drives could provide a fast way to transfer footage between machines. Picked up a 1tb crucial m500. This provides a massive scratch disk, and a large space for programs. I kept 4 terabytes of hard drive space but between 2 Toshiba's which statistically are very reliable, even compared to the western digital blacks. If you wanted to get that 1tb, 1tb and 2tb you can set that up in windows partitions on the drives. With the savings I got in the processor and keyboard I managed to grab crossfire 290's, which offer an enormous jump in raw steam processor numbers. I opted for the arc midi r2 as its got better airflow then the R2 which comes in handy when you have crossfire'd 290's. I also picked up a 850 watt gold rated thermaltake power supply to get the whole thing running smooth. You also said you wanted a blu-ray reader and writer so I picked up a pioneer unit. The one in your build is not blu-ray compatible. I selected an acer 144hz, 1ms gaming panel as it is far superior to the BenQ 60hz panel you had selected. Then for the editing panel I added an Asus PA238Q as this is a professionally calibrated ips panel so that you are guaranteed to have as close to real life colors as possible on a 1080p panel. I kept your headphone and mouse selections but opted for the non-RGB version of the K70 as the K70 RGB is hard to find in stock and is always price gouged.
The only reason I didn't choose Samsung SSD's for every build is because they're ridiculously expensive for their capacity here in Canada. You can almost get a 512GB SSD for the same price as a 256GB Samsung SSD.
Based on what you've provided in the OP I'd recommend build 3. It sounds like your intent is recording and editing your own gameplay footage, the 5820k could help you in rendering but it wouldn't be doing much in terms of running a game on ultra w/ a stable 60+ fps like a beefier GPU (higher quality source = higher quality output.) X99 is the latest but you're paying a premium for very little gain. If you're not color grading the footage then you could save by leaving out the IPS, hold the difference for later as you may find your ram needs to be expanded. Other than adding a cache drive this build look good.
I think that the 5820k will definitely be a good choice, especialy for video rendering. But for the GPU, i would personaly wait till the new R9-390X is there, and see what that GPU has to offer.