Compiler help! Seeking experienced coders!

Hey guys!

Starting this new school year, i'm looking to teach myself how to program formally. I have a few ideas of where I want to start. I'm going start with either c++ or python, as I've done a bit of research and have found that these two lanaguages are a good place to start with programming.

I need some help in regards to programs to write code I have been told by a few friends who are learning to use Code::Blocks IED's but i'm not sure whether to go with it or not, as they themselves aren't that experienced.

Thanks guys! :D

I think you may have the wrong idea of what a compiler is.

Code blocks is an IDE (Integrated development environment) which is what you actually type your code into when developing.

I use atom at work a lot lately as its smart and light enough for what I want.

If your learning I would try stay away from the IDE auto complete as using something plain makes you think a lot more about what your writing and helps to commit syntax etc to memory better.

A side note about compilers, c++ will use a compiler to convert your code into machine code before the program is run, python is slightly different as its an interpreted language. If these terms don't make much sense try some google for more explanations

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It does! I was just curious if you needed a specific program to have if you will 'render' code, but if C++ does it than i'll go with what you recommended, cheers for the swift reply :D

I'm not sure if I quite understand what you mean by render but you need a special program to compile c++ code to run it.

The IDE or c++ do not provide a compiler as c++ is only the language specification, various companies and institutions have made compilers. For instance Microsoft, Intel, GCC have made compilers. The IDE is merely a nice environment to write your code in to hopefully make you more efficient.

A very simple work flow may be in c++:
- Write some code in a text editor/IDE
- compile your code with one of the above compilers
- run the program from the compiled output.

Now Im not a windows person, Im usually in linux most of the time and I use GCC but I would assume any of them would do what you need.

I mean like when you put the code 'together'

The easiest way to start is with an IDE such as Code Blocks. It combines many things such as an editor for you to write code, debugging tools, and if you set it up correctly, a compiler.

If you succeed in configuring Code Blocks correctly, then you have an environment where you can simply write code and click "run". The IDE will then attempt to compile the code and run it, but if there are any errors you will (if you're lucky) get a message describing what the problem is (this message won't be very detailed) and the compile will not succeed.

If you decide to use a simple text editor, then you'll lack the convenience of a "play" button. I don't actually know very much about compiling code outside of an IDE, so I won't really go past this description. My background is in Java and I use the IntelliJ IDE to compile and run my code.

On the Code Blocks website, they have a download option that comes bundled with a compiler, which should make your life a little easier.

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