Hey i was just wandering if all the parts on my list are compatible. So if there are any issues or suggestions id be happy to hear them! So thanks in advance :)
i would personally chabge the psu to a better brand;
also did a list using most of your selection but with a few mods. & $1 cheaper :p
Maybe drop down to a 7950 (overclocked will be same or better than the 7970) so you can fit in an ssd.
The H90 is a 140mm cooler in that case you will have to mount it on the roof as this is the only area with 140mm support. The rear support is only 120mm setups. Nice case btw, for the price the shinobi's are a dam fine piece of gear.
Wow oh my gosh, thanks for spending so much time on this! So healpful :)