Community Photo Assignments - April 2017

Alright, any suggestions for the next prompt?

No, I still have today to submit my images :stuck_out_tongue:

I had taken these two. However I feel like they fit more or a "time" theme than yesterday. Maybe the second more so than the post box which is all about getting a letter send the other day i suppose if you think about it.



Gorgeous texture on the mailbox -- and if you think about it differently, physical mail could be referred to as something of "yesterday" -- atleast in our day and age. :wink:

Ponderosa? Wood pecker has been going ham on those. Interesting form, like the way it takes up the frame.


Okay, spill the beans. You shoot with this often? The muted darks are good -- not overdone. Great shot!

Thank you.

Not at all actually. I bought it because I wanted to try out shooting film but I just can't take the wait. I am also not interested in the whole developing process. I am more interested in the result. And digital is simply the better and faster tool for that.

I just realized that the forum converted my upload into 8 bit and created that horrible banding....
Gonna fix that in a moment.

Nope, fuck it. Too lazy.

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Alright - last day for suggestions for a new prompt. I'm thinking of something basic, like "Yellow" or maybe doing something more obscure like "motion."

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Don't do yellow. There's tens of square miles of yellow fields around me, everyone will just get pictures of fields of yellow plants!

motion sounds interesting.


@moderators can you close the thread?

Have a new thread for May now: